After the earthquake that devastated Haiti, EPC and AFM have adopted the city of Jacmel, 50 miles south of Port-au0Prince. The Church and AFM are supplying food but would like your help in feeding the babies. A 40 ft. container will be filled and shipped in two weeks to the city where we have contacts with missions on the ground, the Mayor and police to distribute and protect these supplies.
Items to bless them with:
-Baby Formula- any variety
-Baby Food- please buy only cases for shipping ease
-Plastic Baby Bottle- new only
-Diapers- any size
-Baby wipes
Last Sunday's paper had coupons for formula, wipes, and diapers. There are coupon sites online you can check such as coupons.com.
Int he next few days we will check out prices and let you know where some of the best deals and coupons are. There will be an update Sunday.
Bring all donations to Suwanee Dental Care. 4355 Suwanee Dam Rd. Suwanee, GA 30549. 770-614-7300
Thank you so much for your help! No one in the world has a heart for missions like the peopl who head up and work for, EPC and AFM; after all, everything you do is a mission.
God Bless