Thursday, January 27, 2011

Loyal Patient Rewards

We have found a great way to say "thanks" for choosing us to be your dentist. It's our Loyal Patient Rewards, a great new way to save lots of money on the things we all want and enjoy - travel, entertainment and brand name merchandise! And of course it is free as our thank you gift. This program offers guaranteed savings for over 8500 hotels, 83000 restaurant offers, software, movie tickets, jewelry and giftcards. You earn your Loyal Patient Rewards every single month for just being our patient. However there are many more ways to earn additional rewards such as:
*attending appointments as scheduled
*returning if you have been gone awhile
*having any cosmetic or other elective procedure
*telling a friend about our practice
*a healthy check-up

You can easily earn over $1,000 in rewards each year. Get rewarded right now by calling our office and scheduling an appointment today!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Do you want a simple way to look 10 years younger?

Did you know that by updating and improving your smile you can look 10 years younger? It can be something as simple as whitening your teeth or smoothing some rough, uneven edges to orthodontics or even veneers. Having a healthy, beautiful smile can be a non-surgical facelift! Come in to our office for a Smile Analysis and we will go over your options so that your smile can look 10 years younger too!

Sensitive Teeth - Your dentist can put a stop to that

Now your dentist or hygienist can easily eliminate tooth sensitivity caused by enamel erosion. The most common cause of sensitive teeth is the exposure of the sensitive part of the tooth called the "dentin". The dentin is made up of thousands of microscopic passageways that lead to the tooth's nerve center. These passageways, known as tubules, are normally covered and protected by the tooth's enamel and the surrounding gums. But when the dentin is exposed, and your teeth come in contact with something hot, cold or sweet, the tubules carry the sensation directly to the tooth's nerves and cause pain.

There are several types of "desensitizers" that stop sensitivity. First they mimick the protective action of the tooth's enamel by plugging and protecting the tubules so that sensitivity and pain disappear. The more deeply the tubules are blocked, the deeper and longer lasting the desensitization.

The enamel where the tooth meets the gum can become worn away, either by hard brushing or by the natural effects of aging, causing exposure of dentin. which results in hypersensitivity. These "desensitizers" are specially formulated to quickly, simply and painlessly stop the sensitivity and prevent it from recurring. Ask us about it at your next dental visit.

The Wand- Computer Controlled Anesthetic Delivery

The Wand conquers the pain and anxiety of dental injections. The microprocessor inside The Wand automatically ensures a steady flow rate regardless of tissue density. Constant, slow flow is one key to virtually pain-free injections. The computer provides a flow of anesthetic directly ahead of the needle. This creates a pathway of anesthesia so you hardly feel the needle at all.

The source of discomfort for most injections, however, isn't the needle, it's the flow of the anesthetic into your tissue. The Wand delivers the anesthetic at an optimal flow rate for a comfortable injection.

We've taken the Fear, Anxiety and Pain our of Dental Anesthetic. We know that some patients get more nervous than others do at the mere site of a needle and syringe. That's why this office now performs anesthetic injections with a revolutionary system called The Wand. It doesn't look like a syringe. It doesn't feel like a syringe. The Wand allows injections that do not numb the lips, face and muscles of expression. Whether injections make you nervous or not, The Wand helps us provide a more effective anesthetic delivery and the onset of anesthesia is often faster.

A more pleasant dental experience The Wand is an excellent example of our efforts to bring you helpful dental technology, and to aid all of our patients to have a pleasant, positive visit to our office. Feel free to ask us if you'd like to know more about this remarkable system.

Start your new year with a great smile.

We all have NEW Year resolutions , why not start the year with a great smile? Not only is it important to have healthy gums and teeth , but having a great smile makes for a great first impression. You might be looking for that new job or that someone special. In either case there are many easy ways you can improve your smile, from whitening , veneers, invisalign or just simply recontouring the shape of your teeth. Changing your smile does not have to be costly. Find out ways you can change your smile by visiting us at

Monday, January 17, 2011

VELscope - the Oral Cancer Screening System

The VELscope System is a revolutionary hand-held device that provides the dentists, hygienists and other oral health care professionals with an easy-to-use adjunctive mucosal examination system for the early detection of abnormal tissue. It is based on the direct visualization of tissue fluorescence and the changes in fluorescence that occur when abnormalities are present. Under the examination with the VELscope, abnormal tissue typically appears as an irregular, dark area that stands out against the otherwise normal, green fluorescence pattern of surrounding healthy tissue.

Oral cancer kills one person every 24 hours a day in North America. The incidence of oral cancer increased 11% in the United States in 2007. The overall 5 year survival rate for oral cancer is 52%, but when discovered early, it increases to 80-90%. Unfortunately, only 35% of oral cancer cases are diagnosed in the early stages.Pre-malignant changes actually start below the surface, at the basement membrane. These changes may not be apparent to the naked eye until the disease progresses to the surface.

The VELscope System can single out suspicious tissue and early discovery can save lives. Ask us about the Velscope Oral Cancer Screening System today!