Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Liquid Smile

The holidays are coming and you need that special gift. Why not give them a brighter smile with the Liquid Smile Whightening Pen.Liquid Smile's design and formula simplify whitening for the prfessional and the patient. The soft brush allows for precise and even distribution of gel over each tooth surface. The sleek design also enables the patient to whiten difficult to reach areas between teeth. Twist the dial clockwise and the pen releases a micro-dose onto the brush. Glide over the desired tooth surface and Paint...It...On!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Give the Gift of A Smile

Suwanee Dental Care has gift cards available now. If you're wondering what to get that picky teenager or someone who has always wished for a better smile, we have the gift for you. Gift Cards are available in any and all increments and can be used for any service including a New Patient Experience and Teeth Whitening. Buy now and receive 10% off through Christmas.

Suwanee Dental Care
Brooke Costantino

Suwanee Dental and Toys for Tots!!

Suwanee Dental care is proud to be a Toys for Tots donation center again this year. There are many children who would go without presents this holiday season if not for this wonderful program. The initial objective that remains the hallmark of the program today is to “bring the joy of Christmas to America’s needy children". Please bring your new, unwrapped toys to Suwanee Dental December 1-20 and make a child's Christmas.

Suwanee Dental Care
Brooke Costantino

Monday, November 15, 2010

Loyal Patient Rewards for The Holidays!

Don't let those Loyal Patient Rewards Points just sit there. All our patients receive points just for keeping their scheduled appointments here at SDC and can receive many more by having a healthy check up and referring us to your friends.With the holidays coming what better time to use these points for some great gifts.You can get great deals on restaurant gift cards,movie tickets,appliances and so much more! Just ask us for your SDC Loyal Patients Rewards account number and enjoy saving now!


periodontal disease and pregnancy

Did you know there has been research linking periodontal disease to preterm births?The bacterias involved in periodontal disease cause inflammation which causes the body to release prostraglandins . These prostraglandins are released into the blood stream and cross the placenta which can increase the risk of preterm labor.If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant make sure you visit your dentist for your check ups to ensure proper periodontal health and a good start for your baby.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Super Sleuthing for Periodontal Disease

Periodontal Disease is caused by a bacterial infection. It strikes 3 out of 4 adults and accounts for twice as much tooth loss as dental decay. Yet it usually remains "invisible" and "painless" until a substantial amount of the gum and tooth supporting bone have been destroyed.

That is why you will notice a lot of "snooping" for periodontal disease these days. We take time to measure the tiny crevices (pockets)between your teeth and gums because the subtle changes in the depth of these areas can warn us that something is going wrong.

Some of the warning signs of Periodontal Disease include:
*gums that bleed when you brush
*red, swollen or tender gums
*gums that have receded from teeth
*pus between teeth and gums when gums are pressed
*loose or separating permanent teeth
*a change in your bite
*changes in the fit of partial dentures
*persistent bad breath

Homecare is the most critical part of prevention of Periodontal Disease. Effective toothbrushing using small circular strokes aimed towards the gumline is key. This needs to be done several times per day to be thorough. Dental flossing goes hand-in-hand with the toothbrushing. Flossing needs to be done at least once per day to effectively remove the bacteria in between your teeth and gums.

Prevention of Periodontal Disease begins with good brushing and flossing. It is important to keep your smile healthy and to help to prevent little problems from becoming big ones, see your dentist regularly for dental checkups and cleanings.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chewing Gum Prevents Cavities

Those four out of five dentists were correct. Chewing gum helps saliva to flow and wash away bacteria that cause decay. Sugar-free gum with xylitol also helps reduce the bacteria count in the mouth. So, go ahead and chew that piece of sugar-free gum!


Sealants have gotten some bad press lately with a link to BPA. BPA or Bisphenol , is a chemical in some plastics. Human and animal studies have linked BPA to an estrogen-like chemical that can increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease in adults. Minute BPA levels rise in the saliva in the first three hours after sealants placement and then quickly drop off. The benefits of sealants outweigh the potential risk of BPA exposure. Dental materials cause far less BPA exposure than normal, daily used consumer products such as plastic bottles and the linings of metal cans.

Sealants are thin plastic coverings placed in the grooves of the posterior chewing teeth or molars. Sealants prevent decay on the chewing surfaces by covering the narrow cracks and crevices referred to in dentistry as "pits and fissures". This lessens the hiding places for the bacteria that cause cavities or dental caries and allows the back teeth to be more cleansable.

The New Patient Experience!

Here at Suwanee Dental Care, we try to make your dental experience something to remember. We begin a new patient appointment by giving a tour of our office. It is very nice and comforting to see where you are going to be treated. This is also a great opportunity to ask questions about our practice and the doctors and staff. After the tour, the doctor and the dental assistant will meet in our consultation room with the patient to get to know more about them. The main dental concerns of the patient are also discussed at this time. This time spent with the patient seems to give them a sense of comfort to ease their mind before they actually sit in the dental chair. We try to make the patient as comfortable as we can, since most patients fear dental treatment. After meeting the doctor, we move to the dental operatory where we do a very thorough dental examination of the patient's teeth and oral health. The next appointment for the patient will be with our treatment coordinator to review the findings and go over a treatment proposal that had been prepared by the doctor. The patient is given the opportunity to decide which treatment they want to start with and when the best time to get scheduled. If you are looking for a dental home, why don't you give Suwanee Dental Care a call.

Skipping Mouth to Mouth Saves Lives

CPR chest compressions only, saves mores lives than traditional mouth-to-mouth and chest compressions, a new study published in Journal of the American Medical Association shows. Traditional CPR with mouth-to-mouth and chest compressions is still the preferred method for small children, near drowning and drug overdose victims, instances where lack of breathing caused collapse. Contact your local American Heart Association or American Red Cross and learn how you to can save a life!